Violin Trade-In Policies (小提琴以舊換新政策)
Our trade-in policy allows a musician a flexible, affordable way to exchange instruments as their musical needs change. Whether it is changing sizes or stepping up to a better instrument, "Trade-in" keeps the musician in the instrument best suited for them.
- The violin that was originally purchased from Music of May Ltd, will be credited up to 50% of the original purchase price. (五月琴行出售的小提琴可抵折50%的原始購買價格)
- The violin that was not originally purchased from Music of May Ltd, may be credited at evaluated price by our technician. (非五月琴行出售的小提琴也可獲得評估後的的抵折價格)
- The trade is for another instrument of greater or same value. (換購必須用於購買其他價格更高或相同的樂器)
- The trade violin has been reasonably well-maintained and has not suffered any significant damage. (用於換購的小提琴必須處於良好的狀態,沒有明顯的損傷)
- Receipts from the original sale are provided by the customer. (五月琴行出售的換購小提琴,需提供原始的購買收據)
- The trade-in value of your instrument is based on the purchase price of the instrument alone, excluding the other accessories or free gift (抵折價格僅限於小提琴價格,不包括其他附件和贈品)